Fresh Red Dog Pieface


Fresh Red Dog Pieface and Red Dog Pieface are Chris Church publications.

Fresh Red Dog Pieface: Saturday, August 05, 2006

Poem Beasts

The Ataher (Earth Goddess)

Mother Earth

Dance-whirls Her mandala form
in spiral evolving life.
Endless corridors of space-time-mind
bursting outwards.
But inwards . . . slow . . . gentlewise . . . breathing . . .
beating cosmic heart.

Leads all beasts in explosive rhymes, natural kinds,
wonder times.
She is truly the center of our universe.
Copernicus, fated to err in one more dream
of awakening? No. He had no dream. How then?
A spiral spin utterly stopped utterly still.
Then leisurely collapse towards one
unutterable blackness
and . . .

Queen of benign stars
Your atavistic center warms all your equal parts
save one
who stretches in an alien fog into a mushroom cloud.
Mindless, you continue the Dance
hardly disturbed by this aberration
this cancer
which last but an instant
between dream and dream.


Portent of all becoming . . . was . . . to be . . . is.
Elusive instant beyond all instants.
You are our same self.
The Poem Beasts of Ataher.

posted 7:04 PM

Poem Beasts

The Fubeast (Future)

Hard to catch up to

Not necessarily a tomb guardian
or is it?
Not necessarily science fiction
or is it?
As a matter of fact???other beasts speculating it
cannot tell who jethappenedyet or not.
Fubeast speeds by fast and twisty.
Noh rhyme     noh path     never mind.
But hard on physics.

WHAT!     ask a prophet?
will predict doom boom soon.
Or worse a golden paradise.
He does not know where is the bottom of
Black Holes that
non-negotiate and ate and ate and ate.

Fubeast boundless?
Bound to . . . . . . huh?????

posted 6:43 PM

Fresh Red Dog Pieface: Sunday, July 30, 2006

Poem Beasts

The Memort (Memory)

Now, what was his name?

Just went by.
Perhaps to the past.
Past makes tense.
Now, is not the time for it.
Beasts who think so should look behind them.
Wait . . . a minute.

Creatures called curators
try to capture Memorts.
They hope to feed them to nostalgia.
But nostalgia is already overstuffed.
Or soon becomes so.

Yet Memorts take pride in historical hangups.
As culprits they are inclined to return
to the scene of their crime.
To promote some guided ulterior tour

Senile Memorts seem forgotten.
They are safely frustrating
the very tip
of a certain poet’s tongue.

posted 2:39 PM

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