Fresh Red Dog Pieface and Red Dog Pieface are Chris Church publications.
Fresh Red Dog Pieface: Sunday, July 21, 2002
Poem Beasts
The Tersed (Desert)
Poet’s misspelling of desert backwards
An everchanging beast melts timespace...
Makes ships recede crosspuzzled...
Forwards, Tersed is not the same as backwards.
It wrong spells lost either way.
Due to its hapless directions,
composed of infinite particulars
shifting continuously, seeming tractless,
Tersed goes past
crowd words.Loneliest of the beasts, Tersed
wants to be alone with its own confusion.
Oriented to midday undulations
heat solving sin things
scatters occidental sages from one hell to another.
Covers all righteous paths.
Call it clear to
hear an evaporated tear.In Tersed, poets become queerly sounded
mad too
if only for the mirage...
the shimmering voice...(dedicated to 40 Days by ruth weiss, who
tried to straighten me out on this one.)
posted 4:46 PM
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